All membership is for 12 months with fees due annually by 1st March. A pro-rata amount is paid by those joining at any other time of the year. Service rates are applicable both for current and ex-forces personnel
Junior Ranks £150
Officers/SNCO. £200
Civilian £250
Membership Fees shown are effective 1 Mar 24.
Aircraft Hire
When comparing our rates with other clubs/schools, bear in mind that we charge on tacho time rather than 'chock to chock'. The difference is roughly between time the aircraft is airborne rather than when it starts/finishing moving. This typically reduces the cost of an hour’s flight by around 10-15% and translates to a 45 hour block time training course being charged at less than 40 hours tacho time. There are no home-based landing fees.
Price per tacho hour (equates to approximately 1hr 10 mins logbook time).
Service PA28 Warrior - £150 per tacho hour. PA28 Archer - £165 per tacho hour.
Civilian PA28 Warrior - £170 per tacho hour. PA28 Archer - £185 per tacho hour.
Prices effective 1 Dec 2024 and do not include an instructor. (see below). Trial lessons are £140 and include ~40 min flight.
Price for hire is 'wet' (inclusive of fuel). Prices subject to change - up to date prices in clubhouse.
Instructor fees
Charged on tacho time plus 0.2 (for pre and post-flight briefings).
£35 per hour for PPL/LAPL
£45 per hour for IMC/IR(R)/Night Rating
Ground exams £32 per exam
Costs of training with Enhanced Learning Credits (ELC)
Current and ex-service personnel can use ELCs to fund some of their training. Standard Learning Credits (SLC) can also be used.
​All training is carried out on the PA28 Warrior.
The calculations below are based on HIGHER RATE Enhanced Learning Credits used towards a full PPL licence.
Please note this information is only to be used as a guide and is for the PPL (45hrs). Actual costs may vary.
For the LAPL, 30hrs of training is required. If split over 2 years (15hrs each @ £180 per hour) it equates to £5400 total (£2700 per year) with a personal contribution of £1400 (£700 per year).
The LAPL medical is £132 and CAA licence fee £166. Total contribution = £2407.
Year 1 / Phase 1
23 Hours Flying @ £190 (inc instructor)
(Minus) ELC Deductions
Personal contribution
Year 2 / Phase 2
22 Hours Flying @ £190 (inc instructor)
(Minus) ELC Deductions
Personal contribution
- £2,000.00
- £2,000.00
Total personal contribution (not covered by ELC)
Phase One Flying Training (as above)
Phase Two Flying Training (as above)
RT Practical Exam
Ground Exams (9 @ £32 each) *
Medical (Class 2)
Skills Test Examiner Fee
Log Book
Flight Computer
Flight Ruler & Protractor
Licence Issue (paid to CAA)
Total estimated personal costs